יום לימוד ותרגול מדיטציה לבעלי/ות ניסיון בתל אביב בהנחיית סטיבן פולדר
יום התרגול יתקיים בשתיקה, ויכלול פרקי זמן של מדיטציה מונחית, תרגול בישיבה ובהליכה, שיחת דהרמה וזמן לשאלות.
*שימו לב, יום התרגול יתקיים ברובו בשפה האנגלית
In this one-day retreat we will practice together the art of being present as taught by the Buddha: direct, embodied presence aligned with reality as it is manifesting now, in this very moment. We will learn how to meet everything that comes in every moment – internally and externally – with mindfulness and curiosity.
The day will take place in silence and include sessions of guided meditation, sitting and walking practice, a dharma talk and Q&A.
*Talks will be held in English; For those who prefer, it will be possible to receive guidance and ask questions in in Hebrew
Signing up
Participation in the course is by pre-registration only and requires attendance for the duration of the whole day. Partial Participation is not possible.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the day begins so we can start together on time.
Please sign up only if you have the experience mentioned above.
Tovna organization is not supported by any institution. In most of its activities, it operates in the spirit of the ancient tradition of "Dana" (giving out of the generosity of the heart).
The activities take place thanks to the generosity of practitioners who support the association with financial donations, as well as thanks to the generosity of a large number of activists and volunteers who work without pay.
1. Participation fees
Tovana offers the opportunity to practice the Dharma with an open heart out of trust and community responsibility, and offers a price designed to connect the need to cover expenses with the spirit of Dana (generosity).
For the course, we charge participation fees intended to cover course expenses (rental Fee for the space and other expense. (
The price per participant is 80 NIS.
You are welcome to pay this amount or a higher amount, to help Insight continue to offer the courses and support those who are unable to pay.
Those who are unable to pay the full amount, please pay what you can afford.
We will make it clear that we are not interested in people not participating in the course due to a financial limitation.
2. Supporting the teaching
The teaching in the course is given in the tradition of 'Dana' - the generosity of the heart: without a price set in advance in order to allow anyone who wishes to come and practice regardless of financial situation.
This is a community support in which each and every one gives according to his/her ability in order to help even those whose hand cannot reach at the same time.
At the same time, the community supports the teachers through Dana given at the end of the meeting.
Many teachers who teach in the "Tovana" courses dedicate their lives to spreading the Dharma out of generosity of heart and a good will to help others along the way.
The donations help them continue to maintain a lifestyle of deepening the path and share its fruits with the others.
At the end of each meeting, the participants are invited to generously support the teacher and continue teaching the Dharma in this way.
Answering inquiries
For questions regarding registration, you can contact the registration manager, at city@tovana.org.il
Please mention the name of the course and the teacher when sending your quest.
Cancellation Policy
Before you register, please make sure that you are able to participate fully in the activity, from its beginning to its end.
If you cannot arrive – please inform us by writing us a mail in reply to the one sent to you after signing up.
Refund due to cancellation will be possible according to Tovana's refund policy.
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