Audio library

Day שם המורה Talk title
Sandya Bar-Kama
חמלה - עם אסף אלבר Listen
206-06-16 Reni Ovadia - Understanding the Liberating Teachings of the Buddha -Inquiry Listen
Radha Nicholson
16 RN LK YD 140616 Questions and responses Listen
Radha Nicholson
Truth Fear Listen
Patricia Genoud-Feldman
Wed_Accepting and Allowing Listen
Radha Nicholson
07 RN 110616 Inquiry Listen
Ps1 Dharma Talk Day 1 Listen
Patricia Genoud-Feldman
The Practice of Metta Listen
Ps2 Where is the Freedom Listen
Ps3 Why Meditate Listen
Radha Nicholson
11 RN 130616 Anapanasati suta mindfulness of the dharma Listen
Ps4 Meditation Instructions Listen
Patricia Genoud-Feldman
Mon_Hindrances as the Path Listen
Radha Nicholson
13 RN 130616 Inquiry Listen
Ps5 Impermanence Listen
Patricia Genoud-Feldman
Working with Emotions Listen
Nf8 The Foundations of Mindfullness Listen
Patricia Genoud-Feldman
ùéçä1 Listen
Odelia Weinberg
Guided Meditation.4 Listen
Patricia Genoud-Feldman
Guided Meditation Listen
Patricia Genoud-Feldman
Awareness of Emotions Listen
Nf9 Insight Listen
Patricia Genoud-Feldman
ùéçä 2 Listen
Odelia Weinberg
What are We Practicing in Meditation (Heb).3 Listen
Patricia Genoud-Feldman
PGF02 Listen
Patricia Genoud-Feldman
Opening The Heart to Love Listen
Odelia Weinberg
OV2 Listen
Patricia Genoud-Feldman
attention to awareness Listen
Odelia Weinberg
Meditation Instructions (Heb).6 Listen
Patricia Genoud-Feldman
Metta Meditation Listen

