Jaya Julienne Ashmore has dedicated her life to spiritual awakening—in meditation since 1986 and in teaching since 1999.
Born in the U.S., Jaya studied religion and art at Harvard in the 80s, and and earned diplomas in Permaculture and Jin Shin Jyutsu in 1995 and 1996. Christopher Titmuss authorized Jaya to teach Dharma in 1998, and she founded the nonprofit Open Dharma in 2001 to help people discover practice, and fulfill their ways of lighting up with life.
Her path and teachings integrate her love of real life, nature, movement, and human beings with decades of experience in Buddhism, Advaita (non-duality), yoga, Christianity, Hindu mysticism, and Jin Shin Jyutsu, a Japanese art of harmonizing spirit, mind, and body.
Jaya loves how parenting has brought depth and liberating insight to her path.
Most important are her connections with her Asian teachers, who also embrace many traditions and meditation through deep rest to contact life beyond ideas.
Jaya can be contacted by email at jaya@opendharma.org