שמחה "שימי" לוי - מטהה
שמחה "שימי" לוי - מטהה
Content of שימי לוי
Content of Simi Levi

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Teacher Name:
Simi Levi
שימי לוי

Has practiced vipassana meditation since 1988, including four years as a nun in Thailand. Simi leads seminars and retreats in vipassana meditation in Israel. In her work, she emphasizes bringing awareness to everyday life.

Simi is also the founder and coordinator of "The Language of Listening," a program in the Israeli educational system designed to cultivate the skills required to pay attention and listen for children and adults.


Dana to Simi Levi

Link to Simi dharma talks (Hebrew)

Videos by Simi Levi
שמחה "שימי" לוי - מטהה

ארועים של שימי לוי