דברי הבודהה-עד כמה הם רלבנטיים לחיינו כיום
דברי הבודהה-עד כמה הם רלבנטיים לחיינו כיום
Content of אסף סטי אל-בר
Content of Assaf Sati El-Bar

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Teacher Name:
Assaf Sati El-Bar
אסף סאטי - אל בר
Assaf has been practicing for 20 years in the Vipassana and Tibetan traditions. He had practiced extensively in Thailand, India and Nepal. He combines vipassana practice with emphasis on developing and cultivating qualities of heart and practical compassion, expressed through being involved in the world. He teaches Philosophy and Buddhism and also works on a PhD thesis aimed at presenting a contemporary educational approach based on the Buddhist path and the socially engaged Buddhism.

Youtube videos

For more details, articles and events, go to - https://meditations.org.il/

Link to a youtube page with recordings - here

Videos by Assaf Sati El-Bar
דברי הבודהה-עד כמה הם רלבנטיים לחיינו כיום