Audio library

Day שם המורה Talk title
Stephen Batchelor
SMB4-MB The power of meditation (Dhamma Talk) Listen
Stephen Batchelor
Q&A 4 Listen
Stephen Batchelor
SMB9 Q&A 3 Listen
Stephen Batchelor
SMB17-MB Dhamma Talk Listen
Stephen Batchelor
SB_4 What did the Buddha mean - Q&A Listen
Stephen Batchelor
SMB5-SB The four noble truth (Seminar) Listen
Stephen Batchelor
SMB13-MB Selfing (Dhamma Talk) Listen
Stephen Batchelor
Q&A Last Day Listen
Stephen Batchelor
SMB1-SB- The Buddha, Dependent Arising (Seminar) Listen
Stephen Batchelor
SMB6 Q&A 2 Listen
Stephen Batchelor
SMB14-SB A culture of awakening (Seminar) Listen
Stephen Batchelor
SB_1 The Self - part 1 Listen
Stephen Batchelor
SMB2-SB- About the abcsence in transcendental dimension in B Listen
Stephen Batchelor
SMB10-MB Awakening (Dhamma Talk) Listen
Simi Levi
how short is the spring here Listen
Simi Levi
Freedom with a Small Helping Hand Listen
Simi Levi
Meditation 25Jul2014 Listen
Simi Levi
The Heart Realess 25Jul2014 Listen
Simi Levi
becoming friemds with the stranger in me Listen
Simi Levi
Guided Meditation and the 5 obstacles Listen
Guided Meditation Listen
Simi Levi
éåí Listen
Simi Levi
Q&A Listen
Simi Levi
About suffering Listen
Simi Levi
Bayit Patuach Listen
Simi Levi
Guided Meditation for sitting walking and standing Listen
Simi Levi
ארבעת איכויות הלב "ברהמה ויהרה" Listen
Simi Levi
Metta Listen
Simi Levi
ויפסנא בסגנון חופשי - המוכנות לחיים ערים Listen
Simi Levi
Simi9 Opening Talk Listen

