Audio library

Day שם המורה Talk title
Charles Genoud
Non-Dual instructions 3 Listen
Charles Genoud
Non-Dual instructions 1 Listen
Charles Genoud
Non-Dual Q & A Listen
Charles Genoud
Non-Dual right view Listen
Stephen Fulder
Yom Kippur and the Journey of Transofrmation. Yom Kippur Retreat 2011.28 Listen
Stephen Fulder
The Dharma and Conflict. Peacemaking in Israel and Palestine and Middleway. Spirit Rock, 2011.68 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Who We Are is How We Are. Yom Kippur Retreat 2011.75 Listen
Stephen Fulder
The Participatory Universe, and Empathy as Ground for Ethics. One Day on Dharma and Science. July 2011.71 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Satipatthana - the Way to Liberation Defined. Psychodharma Retreat 2011.32 Listen
Stephen Fulder
It is a Gift to Be Simple. It is a Gift to be Free. Family Retreat. August 2011.90 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Karma Beyond Reward and Punishmant. What is Beyond Karma. One Dharma Meeting September 2011.64 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Engaged Buddhism as Meaningful Daily Life. Also My Story. California 2011.76 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Guided Vipassana Meditation. 30 minutes. Hebrew. Dharma in Daily Life. Cabri 2011.48 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Complete Meditation Instructions in the Middle of Retreat. Yom Kippur Retreat 2011.56 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Working With Mental Content Listen
Stephen Fulder
Right Effort Listen
Stephen Fulder
Intention. The truth that you find on the top of the mountain is the truth you bring up with you.95 Listen
Stephen Fulder
In-depth Look at Mindfulness. Dualistic and Non-dual, Processes and Values. Advanced Course. Discussion. Part 2. October 2011..91 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Paticca samuppada 1. Conditions and Conditionality. Ma'amikim Course 2012 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Right View and the Eye of Wisdom. Kabri Course 2011.Hebrew.85 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Paticca samuppada. 9. Becoming. The Making of Me and the World Out There. Advanced Course 21.23 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Intention. How Do We shift Our Fate and Change our Experience. Yom Kippur Retreat 2011.58 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Paticca samuppada 11. Death, Fear of Death, and the Timeless and Deathless. Advancd Course, Tel aviv 19.4.13 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Right Action. Eightfold path Course.50 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Paticca samuppada 3. Sankharas. Castles in the Sand. Advanced Course. November 2012 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Concentration Calm quiet centered. The Still Point in the Turning World. Shabbat Clil. 17.83 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Right Concentration. Samadhi or Samatha. Calming Down and Cooling Down..69 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Paticca samuppada 4. Consciousness. Where it Lands There We Are. Advanced Course 30November2012 Listen
Stephen Fulder
In-depth Look at Mindfulness. Dualistic and Non-dual, Processes and Values. Advanced Course. Discussion. Part 1. October 2011..59 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Right Livelihood, Right Living, Way of Life.89 Listen

