Online Yom Kippur meditation retreat with Christopher Titmus in English

27/09/2020 to 28/09/2020
Event category: 
Open to everyone
The teacher: 
Teacher Name:
Christopher Titmuss
Start time: Sunday 19:00
End time: Monday 13:00


Online Meditation 

Monday 27 September 19.00-21.00 Israeli time (18.00-20.00 CET) and
Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement. Tuesday 28 September 11:00-13:00 Israeli time (10.00-12.00 CET

Online courses include teachings/guided meditations/practices/reflections/tips focussing on mindfulness and wisdom
On Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, we will also reflect on the past year.
Did we get caught up in selfishness, reactivity or denial? What did we learn? What changes can we make?
All internationals are welcome to join.


Tovana operates in the spirit of the ancient tradition of "Dana" (giving from generosity of heart and ability) and offers the Dharma with trust and an open heart.

The Participation fee we publish on the site enables the commitment and o

We are able to offer the Dharma this way thanks to the generosity of heart and the responsibility of the Shanga-the community of practitioners, which is expressed both in financial contribution and a large number of volunteers who enable the activity.


Participation fee

We are aware that we are in a period of economic uncertainty, for Tovana as well.

Payment of the participation fee supports Tovana to continue to exist both during this period and also supports the possibility of returning and later offering retreats and courses in the same way we have operated so far.

We choose to continue to offer the Dharma with an open heart out of trust in the community and offer a price designed to connect the need to cover expenses with the spirit of Dana (generosity).

The cost of the practice is 50 NIS (About 13 Euros). The cost is for Tovana and does not include compensation for the teaching

You are welcome to pay this or a higher amount to help Tovana continue to offer the courses and support those who are unable to pay.

Those who are unable to pay the full amount, please pay what is possible for you.

We want to make it clear that we do not want people not to attend the course due to a financial constraint.


 DANA for teaching

All teachings in Tovana are given in the 'Dana' tradition - generosity of the heart. Teachers share the Dharma without a pre-determined price in order to allow anyone who is interested to come and practice regardless of financial situation.

This is a community support in which everyone gives according to their ability to help those who do not have access at the same time.

At the same time the community supports the teachers through a donation made at the end of the meeting.

Many teachers who teach in Tovana dedicate their lives to spreading the Dharma out of generosity and a good will to help others along the way.

Donations help them continue to lead a deepening lifestyle along the way and share its fruits with others.

At the end of the meeting, the participants are invited to generously support the teachers and to continue teaching the Dharma in this way.


Instructions for Online meetings

. Choose a quiet and pleasant place

Please make an effort to turn on the camera - this is part of creating a connection with the Sangha. Creating a Sangha atmosphere and a sense of shared practice in such a virtual way requires effort. What supports this, is the opportunity to see other practitioners invest a passionate effort in the practice. Sitting in front of "black cubes" (this is what it looks like when the camera is not turned on) makes it difficult to make the connection.

Please turn off mobile phones (unless you use them for connection - which is less convenient than a computer) and other web pages and distractions. We do not want to put more, needless, challenge to our attention


Non-appearance and cancellations.

By registering you declare your intention to attend the course.
Late registration and cancellation may prevent someone else from participating! Please register only when you are convinced you want to and can come.

If you have registered and are unable to attend, you are asked to cancel your participation in order to make room for those waiting.

Cancellations are made via the email:, or by clicking on the cancellation button at the top left of this page (below the registration button).

You can cancel and receive a refund up to 5 days before the day of practice



Questions regarding registration and the evening can be directed to


הלוואי ונפיק את מירב התועלת מן התרגול בקורס זה.
הלוואי וכל יצור חי יהיה משוחרר מכאב ומסבל
הלוואי וכל יצור חי יחיה חיים חופשיים, מאושרים ואמיתיים.

Online Meditation 

Monday 27 September 19.00-21.00 Israeli time (18.00-20.00 CET) and
Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement. Tuesday 28 September 11:00-13:00 Israeli time (10.00-12.00 CET

Online courses include teachings/guided meditations/practices/reflections/tips focussing on mindfulness and wisdom
On Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, we will also reflect on the past year.
Did we get caught up in selfishness, reactivity or denial? What did we learn? What changes can we make?
All internationals are welcome to join.


Tovana operates in the spirit of the ancient tradition of "Dana" (giving from generosity of heart and ability) and offers the Dharma with trust and an open heart.

The Participation fee we publish on the site enables the commitment and o

We are able to offer the Dharma this way thanks to the generosity of heart and the responsibility of the Shanga-the community of practitioners, which is expressed both in financial contribution and a large number of volunteers who enable the activity.


Participation fee

We are aware that we are in a period of economic uncertainty, for Tovana as well.

Payment of the participation fee supports Tovana to continue to exist both during this period and also supports the possibility of returning and later offering retreats and courses in the same way we have operated so far.

We choose to continue to offer the Dharma with an open heart out of trust in the community and offer a price designed to connect the need to cover expenses with the spirit of Dana (generosity).

The cost of the practice is 50 NIS (About 13 Euros). The cost is for Tovana and does not include compensation for the teaching

You are welcome to pay this or a higher amount to help Tovana continue to offer the courses and support those who are unable to pay.

Those who are unable to pay the full amount, please pay what is possible for you.

We want to make it clear that we do not want people not to attend the course due to a financial constraint.


 DANA for teaching

All teachings in Tovana are given in the 'Dana' tradition - generosity of the heart. Teachers share the Dharma without a pre-determined price in order to allow anyone who is interested to come and practice regardless of financial situation.

This is a community support in which everyone gives according to their ability to help those who do not have access at the same time.

At the same time the community supports the teachers through a donation made at the end of the meeting.

Many teachers who teach in Tovana dedicate their lives to spreading the Dharma out of generosity and a good will to help others along the way.

Donations help them continue to lead a deepening lifestyle along the way and share its fruits with others.

At the end of the meeting, the participants are invited to generously support the teachers and to continue teaching the Dharma in this way.


Instructions for Online meetings

. Choose a quiet and pleasant place

Please make an effort to turn on the camera - this is part of creating a connection with the Sangha. Creating a Sangha atmosphere and a sense of shared practice in such a virtual way requires effort. What supports this, is the opportunity to see other practitioners invest a passionate effort in the practice. Sitting in front of "black cubes" (this is what it looks like when the camera is not turned on) makes it difficult to make the connection.

Please turn off mobile phones (unless you use them for connection - which is less convenient than a computer) and other web pages and distractions. We do not want to put more, needless, challenge to our attention


Non-appearance and cancellations.

By registering you declare your intention to attend the course.
Late registration and cancellation may prevent someone else from participating! Please register only when you are convinced you want to and can come.

If you have registered and are unable to attend, you are asked to cancel your participation in order to make room for those waiting.

Cancellations are made via the email:, or by clicking on the cancellation button at the top left of this page (below the registration button).

You can cancel and receive a refund up to 5 days before the day of practice



Questions regarding registration and the evening can be directed to


הלוואי ונפיק את מירב התועלת מן התרגול בקורס זה.
הלוואי וכל יצור חי יהיה משוחרר מכאב ומסבל
הלוואי וכל יצור חי יחיה חיים חופשיים, מאושרים ואמיתיים.
Registration is close

Hosts and assistants

מבכירי מורי הדהרמה במערב. בשנות ה-70 חי כנזיר בודהיסטי בתאילנד ובהודו במשך 6 שנים כתלמידו של אג'הן בודהאדסה . מאז שנות השבעים הוא מנחה ברחבי העולם קורסים של מדיטצית תובנה. כריסטופר הוא ממקימי גאיה האוס באנגליה, היוזם של תכנית להכשרת מתווכי דהרמה באירופה ובישראל ומשתתף פעיל בהליכות למען השלום. סופר ומשורר, מחברם של ספרים רבים, ממיסדי ארגון יעוץ בינלאומי לשלום ברוח הבודהיזם. כריסטופר מעורב בפעילות קהילת הדהרמה בישראל, ובפעילות למען השלום במזרח התיכון ובעולם כולו. כריסטופר מתגורר בטוטנס , דבון שבאנגליה. ספרים פרי עטו: Spirit of Change The Profound and the Profane Fire Dance and Other Poems...
One of the most senior Dharma teachers in the West. In the 1970's, Christopher lived as a Buddhist monk in Thailand and India for six years as the student of Ajhan Buddhadasa. Since then, he has taught insight meditation courses across the world. Christopher is the co-founder of the Gaia House in England, the initiator of a training program for Dharma teachers in Europe and Israel, one of the founders of an international advisory organization for the spreading of peace in the Buddhist spirit, and an active participant in peace marches.   Christopher Titmus will visit Israel as a guest of...