Insight meditation weekend retreat with Sandya (Rakefet) Bar-Kama

16/01/2020 to 18/01/2020
Event category: 
Open to everyone
The teacher: 
Teacher Name:
Sandya Bar-Kama
Teacher Name:
Odelia Weinberg
Start time: Thursday 14:00
End time: Saturday 18:00
סטטוס הקורס: 
Registration is opened
Vipassana (or Mindfulness) is a Meditation technique that is based on directing relaxed and mindful attention to our body and mental functions.This technique helps develop tools for dealing with the vicissitudes of life while promoting tranquility, wisdom and compassion.

The course provide optimal conditions to devote the whole of our attention and energy to the practice of the method.

Most of the day is dedicated to alternately walking and sitting meditations, for set amounts of time. Every day, detailed instructions will be given concerning the meditation technique, and every evening a talk will be held by the teachers, concerning the principles of meditation and how they touch upon our everyday life and personal reality.

During the course there are group talks with the teachers, where the opportunity is given to share and examine our experiences. There is also the option of private meetings with the teachers.

The retreat will be held Usually in Hebrew (except courses with teachers who come from abroad).
Translation will be given when necessary.


Volunteering in the course

For the holding of courses and their success many helping hands are needed, both as members of the kitchen staff and particularly for management of the courses and the kitchen. Volunteers in the courses experience a "Service Retreat" that is an opportunity to combine giving and practicing meditation and is a bridge between sitting on the pillow and everyday life.

Tovana is based and mostly run by volunteers. During the year, there are about 200 practitioners volunteering in various courses in Ein Dor, in addition to about 50 volunteers in permanent roles.
You are invited to volunteer and practice while doing.

For more details about weekends please send an e-mail to

For more details about retreats please send an e-mail to

What is the meaning of Dana?

Since the time of the Buddha, the Asian tradition of Dharma (the spiritual path) is of the kind of mutual generosity. The local community shows its appreciation and respect for the spiritual practice by supporting the monasteries with the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter and medicines. In return, the community is supported by courses, teachings and guidance, that are offered by the monks and nuns. 

For 2,500 years this lively expression of collaboration and mutual existence offered spiritual support, both for the spiritual community and for the lay practitioners.

Hosts and assistants

מתרגלת מאז 1986. מלמדת בדרך הדהרמה: דרך הלב והתבונה. חייתה שבע שנים באשראם ליוגה ומדיטציה בארצות הברית. מתרגלת ומלמדת מדיטציה המבוססת על מסורתהתראוואדה הבודהיסטית ועל מסורת האי-שניות. שמה דגש על הקשר בין התרגול לחיי היומיום, על חקירת החוויה האישית האותנטית ועל האפשרות לחיות חיים ערים בכל רגע.  מנחה סדנאות, קורסים וקבוצות. מלמדת בעמותת 'תובנה', 'מרכז הישראלי לרפואת גוף-נפש', 'מרכז שילוב', 'מכללת כרכור', 'מרכז אוריאל' ובמסגרות נוספות, בארץ ובהודו. מאמינה שחופש אפשרי ושבכולנו טמונה היכולת לאהוב, לחמול ולהתעורר.  חיה עם בת זוג, חתולה וכלבה באזור פרדס חנה. Dana to Sandya Bar-Kama  ...
Has been on a spiritual journey since 1986. Rakefet lived for seven years in the Kripalu Ashram, a yoga and meditation center in the United States, and taught there seminars on meditation and personal development. Over the years, her curiosity and drive for knowledge has led her to explore various Buddhist, Hindu, and Indian methods. Rakefet teaches meditation and the Dharma to individuals, groups and at retreats. Dana to Sandya Bar-Kama   Sandya's Dharma talks (hebrew) Rakefet short video (Hebrew):
אודליה וינברג פרי מתרגלת מדיטציה ויוגה וחוקרת את הדהארמה מאז 1997. היא מלמדת בעמותת תובנה, המרכז ללימודי גוף נפש ומסגרות אחרות. שנים של תרגול והתבוננות הראו לה שהחיים עצמם הם שותף נפלא ללמידה גמישה וערה, ושתרגול ושהייה בטבע כמעט תמיד תומכים בנו. אודליה בעלת תעודת הוראה בכירה ליוגה מטעם וינגייט, תלמידתה של אורית סן גופתא, וזכתה ללמוד במשך תקופות ממושכות עם מורים נפלאים לדהארמה והמסורת הבודהיסטית. אודליה גרה וגם מלמדת בעמק האלה, נשואה ואמא לשלושה ילדים.   Dana to Odelia Weinberg /*-->*/
Odelia Weinberg Peri has been practicing the dharma since 1997. She teaches at the Israeli Insight Society, Tovana. Years of practice and observation have taught her that life is an excellent partner for learning and awakening, and time spent in nature is almost always a great support. Odelia trained as a yoga teacher with Orit Sen Gupta and was fortunate to have studied dharma with many wonderful teachers. She lives in Givat Yishayahu with her partner and three children. Dana to Odelia Weinberg