Saturday of Meditation Practice with Keren Arbel in Tel-Aviv
Saturday, June 29th, 14:30-19:30
During this day we will practice mindfulness sitting, standing, walking and lying down. We will learn to be with whatever arises – within us and without – with attention, curiosity and equanimity.
The day of practice is open to new and experienced practitioners
Most of the day will be held in silence, and will include study and practice of meditation, a talk and time for questions
Please bring a cushion and a shawl
Participation is for the entire day only, participation for just part of the day is not possible
Please come a bit early so we can start on time.
The day is offered on a dana basis. At the end of the day contributions may be offered to the facilitator and to Sangha House.
For more information and registration:
Please confirm your participation and notify us if you will not make it, to allow others to participate. Thank you.
Keren Arbel’s website: