Activity Types

activities type

Vipassana is a method of Buddhist Meditation which has been practiced for 2,500 years in East Asia and which arrived in the West in the last century. Vipassana means "clear-seeing" or insight into (the nature of phenomena). Within the body of teachings taught by the Buddha (the "Dharma") is...
This course consists of eight weekly two-hour meetings in which the participants will gradually acquire the skills needed to practice mindfulness and basic concentration. Each session includes meditation, study, and discussion. The purpose of the course is to gradually build a foundation for...
A city course of 8 sessions, meant mostly for those who have begun practicing, but are relatively in the start of their path. The course offers a framework for strengthening the meditative practice alongside getting familiar with the ideas and notions upon which Vipassanā practice stands. This...
Saturday practice takes place once every few weeks, and gives the opportunity to dedicate a whole day for meditation practice and for studying related topics.  Usually, these days of practice are open to newcomers as well as to participants that are allready on the path. This is an opportunity to...
A gathering of introduction to Vipassana Meditation (Tovana). This kind of gathering takes place from time to time and includes a short meditation, a talk and Q & A time. This kind of gathering is open to everyone and is meant for anyone who is interested in meditation and wants to learn more...
We have recently started facilitating online courses in Tovana. These internet courses consist of recorded Dharma talks, meditations and online group meetings with the teachers. For additional information:
The Dharma Facilitators' Program is a unique project led by Christopher Titmuss, a respected Dharma teacher of international renown. The program has branches in different countries across the world; in Israel, Christopher leads the program with the assistance of Steven Folder. In each cycle of the...
The Course for Families was started in order to make going to a meditation retreat possible for practitioners with children.  This course, which takes place every year in the spring, offers a rare opportunity for the whole family to practice together and to meet other practicing families.  In order...
Our Sangha, or community of practitioners, holds periodical Sangha meetings over the course of a day or weekend.  Their purpose is for members of the community to meet up for group practice and mutual inspiration.  Participants come to share, learn together, and discuss their personal...
We can sometimes offer experienced practitioners to come and receive a separate room for a personal retreat, while other Tovana retreats are taking place in Ein Dor. This offer is relevant for practitioners who have sat in at least 4 Tovana retreats of one week each, and who have an experience of...