Insight meditation weekend retreat with Yonathan Dominitz assisted by Neta Levi and אסף פדרמן

11/04/2019 to 13/04/2019
Event category: 
Open to everyone
The teacher: 
Teacher Name:
Yonathan Dominitz
Teacher Name:
Neta Levi
Teacher Name:
Asaf Federman
Start time: Thursday 14:00
End time: Saturday 18:00
Insight meditation is a practice derived from the Buddhist tradition, whose purpose is to enable us to understand and experience daily life in a deeper and clearer way. The premise of the insight meditation is that the observation and clear vision of reality can bring relief to the daily pain and pain and improve the quality of life of practitioners and those around them.
"Insight meditation" sharpens the practitioner's mental and emotional abilities, and develops the ability to stop and observe himself and in any situation in which he is without judgment, with minimal influence of prejudices, fears and habits. Insight meditation comes to increase the awareness and connection of the practitioner to the world in which he lives. This meditation is based on the Dharma, a Buddhist philosophy that offers a way of life that includes mental, moral and emotional development. The Dharma allows intuitive human wisdom that involves not only knowledge. It contributes to the development of an inter-personal connection that is not self-interested, as well as qualities of generosity, love and compassion that exist in each and every one of us, even if we are not always aware of them.

Hosts and assistants

יונתן דומיניץ
יונתן דומיניץ, ז"ל, היה מורה לדהרמה בעמותת תובנה במשך כ-20 שנה, והקדיש את חייו ללימוד והנחיה של הדרך הבודהיסטית. כחבר פעיל בוועד המנהל של העמותה, הוא תרם רבות לקידום חזון מרכז הקבע ולהתפתחות הקהילה. יונתן האמין בכוחה של הדהרמה לגעת בכל היבט של החיים והציע אותה מתוך לב פתוח ונדיב לכל מי שפגש. יונתן היה בין מייסדי פרויקט 'מדיטציה 1:1', שבו מתרגלים ותיקים מציעים ליווי מדיטטיבי לחולי סרטן בבתיהם. בנוסף, היה מורה לחשיבה יצירתית ומייסד MINDSCAPES. יונתן היה נשוי ואב לשני ילדים, חי בתל אביב והותיר אחריו קהילה של מתרגלים וחברים שזוכרים אותו באהבה והערכה. קישור לעמוד לזכרו של יונתן:
Yonathan Dominitz, of blessed memory, was a Dharma teacher at Tovana for more than 20 years, dedicating his life to teaching and guiding others on the Buddhist path. As an active member of Tovana's board, he contributed significantly to advancing the vision of a permanent center and to the community's development. Yonathan believed in the power of the Dharma to touch every aspect of life and offered it with an open and generous heart to everyone he met. Yonathan was among the founders of the 'Meditation 1:1' project, where experienced practitioners offer meditative guidance to cancer patients...