Tovana is a volunteer-based, non-profit organization. The Vipassana courses and accompanying activities organized by Tovana are funded entirely by donations given by the participants. There is no commercial interest, motive, or group behind Tovana. The association is based solely on the Dana principal (the “Generous Heart” in Pali language). The courses are free of charge aside for nominal registration fees, which are collected to guarantee a place in the course.
In this Buddhist spirit, Tovana teachers and volunteers work without receiving any salary. At the end of every course, there will be an opportunity to give a donation for Tovana Organization and for the teachers (these two donations are given separately). Many of the Tovana teachers dedicate their lives to spreading the Dharma and have no other income. These donations allow them to continue their teaching, so many people may experience the practice and benefit from it.
To get an impression of the course’s costs per participant, see the costs table below:
*Overhead costs - The ongoing activity of the association that enables the courses requires a variety of costs, such as salaries for the coordinators, lawyer, and accountant; phone and other communication bills; insurances, fundings, rents, etc.