Relational Dharma for These Times, An open dialogue with Gregory Kramer Hosted by Elaaya Mor and Asaf Federman
Relational Dharma for These Times, An open dialogue with Gregory Kramer Hosted by Elaaya Mor and Asaf Federman
Event category:
Open to everyone
The teacher:
Start time:
Tuesday 20:00
End time:
Tuesday 21:30
סטטוס הקורס:
Registration is opened
דהרמה של יחסים בתקופה הנוכחית
שיחה פתוחה עם גרגורי קריימר
בהנחיית אלהיה אייל מור ואסף פדרמן
שלישי ה-28.11, 20:00-21:30
מה יכול לימוד העומק של הבודהה אודות הלב והתודעה ללמד אותנו על המימד של ההתייחסותי (מערכות יחסים) של קונפליקט ושל חמלה
המפגש יתקיים באנגלית
Relational Dharma for These Times An open dialogue with Gregory Kramer
28.11, 8 - 9.30pm (jerusalem time zone)
What the Buddha's depth teachings on mind and heart can show us about the relational essence of conflict and compassion.
Hosted by Elaaya Mor and Asaf Federman
Gregory Kramer is the Founding Teacher of the Insight Dialogue Community and has been teaching insight meditation since 1980. He developed the practice of Insight Dialogue and has been teaching it since 1995, offering retreats in North America, Asia, Europe, and Australia. He has studied with esteemed teachers, including Anagarika Dhammadina, Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thero, Achan Sobin Namto, and Ven. Punnaji Maha Thero. Gregory is the author of A Whole Life Path: A Layperson’s Guide to a Dhamma-infused Life (Insight Dialogue Community); Insight Dialogue: The Interpersonal Path to Freedom (Shambhala); Seeding the Heart: Practicing Lovingkindness with Children; Meditating Together, Speaking from Silence: The Practice of Insight Dialogue; and Dharma Contemplation: Meditating Together with Wisdom Texts. For additional information about Gregory’s teachings, pleasevisit his website.