"Introduction to Vipassana (mindfulness)" evening with Reni Ovadya"

Event category: 
Start time: Wednesday 19:30
End time: Wednesday 21:30

"Introduction to Vipassana" evening with Reni Ovadya

Wednesday, 26th of November 2014, 19:30-21:30

Sangha House, 

21 Ovadia Mebartenura St. apt. 15, Tel-Aviv, 62282, Israel


An introduction to Vipassana (mindfulness) meditation.

The evening will include a short experience in meditation, a talk and time for Q&A.

The meeting is open to anyone and meant for anyone interested in knowing more about meditation.


Reni Ovadya


Practices Vipassana and Dzogchen, integrates the fruits of the practice in her therapy-work which she's been practicing for 35 years. Guides therapists and students, teaches. Active in Tovana and Socially-active Dharma. A mother of three.

The meeting will be held without a specific fee. At the end there will be the option of Dana - giving to the house and teacher out of the heart's generosity.

No need to register in advance.

Please arrive approx.10 minutes in advance so we could start on time.

Registration will be opened few weeks before the event