Weekend city retreat at the Sangha House with Keren Arbel
Breath, Body, Awareness
City weekend vipassana retreat with Keren Arbel
July 12-13. Friday, July 12 between10:00-17:00, Saturday July 13 between 10:00-17:00.
Please arrive each morning at 9:30 so we can begin on time.
Accomodation is not provided in this retreat.
Participation is for both days.
The retreat is open to new and experienced practitioners.
The retreat will be held mostly in silence and will include guided meditations (sitting, standing, walking, lying down), dharma talks and time for questions and answers at the end of each day.
Please bring a vegetarian dish for a shared meal each day.
Keren Arbel’s website: http:// kerenarbel.com
The course will be held in Hebrew.
The course is held on a dana basis. Contributions may be made to the teacher and to Sangha House.
For registration and more information, please contact: Tovana.city@gmail.com