Urban Dzogchen Non-Meditation Retreat with Keith Dowman
Sun April 21st - Fri 26th
Sunday to Thursday 18:30 -21:00
Friday 11:30-14:00
Dzogchen contemplation, known better as non-meditation,
is the core of Cutting Through and Direct Crossing. Each evening we will take a different avenue of approach to the nonmeditation. This simply sitting meditation is the goal of all kinds of Buddhist meditation, including Shamatha and Vipasyana. It is contemplation of nonduality; it is awareness of pure presence that is the great perfection.
The Dzogchen view is inspiring and exhilarating and the pointing out introduction frequently draws aside the intellectual and emotional veils of mind's true nature. We will begin this series of Dzogchen meditations there with the pointing out instruction. But I want to take this opportunity in Israel to transmit the core of the Cutting Through (trekcho) and Direct Crossing (togal) precepts that may nail down the flashes of realization into a constant stream of praxis during the Urban Nonmeditation Retreat and weekend retreat.
For more details about the teacher press here
For more info: tovana.dowman@gmail.com