The way of the heart retreat with Stephen Fulder and Simi Levy

19/11/2012 to 24/11/2012
Event category: 
Start time: Monday 00:00
End time: Saturday 23:59

Liberation in the way of the heart – A Brahma Vihara practice retreat – Love, Forgiveness and Compassion

Out of a silent heart love is born,

When love meets suffering it becomes compassion,

(When love meets joy it becomes happiness” (Jack Kornfield




Often we tend to cultivate meditative practices which leave “out of the cushion” the qualities of softness, love, compassion and joy.

While putting an emphasis on forgiveness as a deep movement of surrender, strength and compassion, in this retreat we will study and cultivate friendship, love and liberation.

During the days we will practice age old meditation techniques in the tradition taught by the Buddha aimed at liberating the heart from patterns of contraction, fear, guilt, shame and anger, while we gently and wisely cultivate grace through seeing the good in all, intimacy with ourselves and connection to the world.

More on Metta practice in this article by Sharon Salzberg

This retreat is suitable for those have sat at least one week-long retreat before.

Registration will start one month prior to its beginning.

Arrival at Ein Dor at 12:00-13:30 for registration. The retreat will end at 13:00.

Registration will be opened few weeks before the event