Unconditional Happiness: Weekend Retreat with Steven Folder and Yonaton Dominitz
םften feelings of happiness and satisfaction are fleetinששg and transient. Again and again we descend from the euphoric peak of the mountain back to the hustle of the marketplace, discovering that we have once again lost all that we have achieved, as after a wonderful night all that is left in the morning is a headache. As Jack Kornfield writes, "After the ecstasy, the laundry."
If our happiness is dependent on circumstances, when the situation changes our happiness passes as well. Are we able to experience unconditional happiness, basic, elemental joy that nothing can take away from us?
In this weekend, we will learn and practice with a focus on two things. Firstly, how to identify and find release from the friction and resistance that prevents us from being satisfied. Secondly, we will engage in quiet and perceptive contemplation of the joyful dance of life within us and around us.
The retreat will take place in Kibbutz Hanaton, located in the beautiful Lower Galilee Mountains. The accommodations are improved compared to Tovana's usual retreat location in Kibbutz Ein Dor: the rooms are more comfortable, and have private bathrooms and showers. There are four participants in each room; if there is a need for a private room, please contact us and we will do our best to arrange it.
The improved accommodations cost more than usual, but despite that, we have chosen to run the course based on dana.
The course is open to both new and experienced practitioners.
If you have not participated in a course with Tovana, please read: What is a Tovana course?