Audio library

Day שם המורה Talk title
Yonathan Dominitz
שאלות ותשובות -סטיבן פולדר, יונתן דומיניץ וקרן ארבל, ריטריט חנוכה 2014 Listen
Michal Cohen
Mental Durability Listen
Lila Kimhi
התהוות מותנית - מהדוקהה והלאה 2014 Listen
Christopher Titmuss
Happiness Listen
Zohar Lavie
Learning to Fly Listen
Zohar Lavie
Vast Sky Listen
Zohar Lavie
Engaged Dharma Listen
Zohar Lavie
Independence and Interconnecte Listen
Zohar Lavie
Dealing with Anger and the Bod Listen
Yonathan Dominitz
לקחת את התרגול הביתה לחיי היומיום Listen
Yonathan Dominitz
התודעה הערה-החופש האמיתי Listen
Yonathan Dominitz
האמת השנייה - המקור והסיבה לדוקהה Listen
Yonathan Dominitz
מדיטציה וחופש Listen
Yonathan Dominitz
תשומת לב, חמלה וחכמה Listen
Sathipathana- pt.2 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Why Do We Need Meditation for Spiritual Counselling. Hebrew. Livui Course 28.1.13 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Compassion. Its Power, its Essence and Development. Mesurim Course. Clil 25Nov2013 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Meditation and Bodily Health. Hebrew. Ayurvedic Seminar. 28.93 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Eros and Psyche. Shining the Light on Relationships. Krishnamurti Retreat. Clil. 3Dec2013 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Joining the Inner and Outer. Hebrew. Clil Shabbat 26.1.13 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Protecting the Young Plant. Spiritual Practice in Daily Life. Holocaust Retreat. Berlin 12.5.13 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Renate Seifarth. Forgiveness. Holocaust Retreat. Berlin. 10.5.13 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Great Love and Great Heart in the Buddhadharma. One day on the Dharma and Rumi poetry 10.121.70 Listen
Stephen Fulder
BuddhaDharma Meets Advaita. Essential Non-duality. Hebrew. Shabbat Clil 27.43 Listen
Stephen Fulder
How We Empower Ourselves in the Present. Holocaust Retreat. Berlin 11.5.13 Listen
Stephen Fulder
A Joyful Life Includes the Terrible Memories. Holocaust Retreat. Berlin 9.5.13 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Aspiration, Commitment, Devotion, Longing. Mesurim. Clil 5.7.13 Listen
Stephen Fulder
Dimensions and Individual Dire Listen
Stephen Fulder
Renunciation. How to Drop All Listen
Stephen Fulder
Ethics as Condition for and Co Listen

