September 15th Dharma and Climate daylong - live-streamed

Event category: 
The teacher: 
Teacher Name:
James Baraz
Start time: Sunday 00:00
End time: Sunday 00:00

Dear Israeli Friends,

I hope each of you is doing well in your life and that your Dharma practice is helping you and everyone in your community get through these crazy times with equanimity, commitment and an open heart. I look forward to being with many of you next summer when I come to teach with Tovana.
The climate situation has been of particular interest to me in recent times. I suspect the same is true for many of you. That's why I'm writing to you. I want to let you know about an event that I'm organizing September 15th at Spirit Rock on the Dharma and the Climate Crisis with some of the leading wisdom voices in our community. People can participate in it from anywhere since, in addition to the Spirit Rock crowd, it will be live-streamed as well as recorded for later viewing. (With a 9-hour time difference I don't expect that you will be with us live!)
It's called "No Time to Lose: A Dharma Response to Climate Change". It will be a dana benefit for One Earth Sangha, an organization offering teachings and trainings on Dharma and Climate, and Spirit Rock. People can choose to offer support from a range of levels from $0-$1,008. 
The day will feature Joanna Macy (who just turned 90 and is still going strong!), Tara Brach (live-stream), Ven. Analayo (highly respected Buddhist monk, scholar and meditation master by video), Jack Kornfield (video), Belvie Rooks (an inspiring African-American teacher), myself and others. We'll be sharing teachings about how to hold the climate situation as Dharma practice as well as explore what the Dharma has to offer to the larger conversation. 
My hope is that people will leave feeling that this issue is central to their Dharma practice. I'm attaching a flyer about the day. And here is a FB link to the event. 
It would be great if you could spread the word to your all your Dharma friends. Some groups are hosting gatherings watching it together and discussing the topics and doing the practices together as they're offered during the day.  
Wishing you well.
With metta and appreciation,

Hosts and assistants

ג'יימס בראז הוא מהמורים המובילים בעולם למדיטצית תובנה (ויפאסנה) מאז 1978. הוא מייסד שותף, ואחד המורים הבכירים של מרכז ספיריט רוק, אחד משני המרכזים הגדולים למדיטצית תובנה (Insight Meditation) בארה"ב. ג'יימס מוביל ריטריטים, סדנאות וקורסים בארה"ב וברחבי העולם. הוא ממחברי הספר "Awakening Joy" - ספר המבוסס על קורס שהוא יצר ולימד ששם דגש על איך ניתן לטפח את השמחה בחיי היום יום. הוא מיוצריי ומוריי תכנית מנחי הדהרמה (Dharma Leaders Program), תכנית שהכשירה מעל ל 200 מתרגלים/ות ותיקים/ות ללמד מדיטצית תובנה (מיינדפולנס) בקהילות שונות, בארה"ב, קנדה, מקסיקו ואירופה. הוא המורה המלווה של הסנגהה אינטרנטית...
James has been a meditation teacher since 1978. He is creator and teacher of the Awakening Joy course (since 2003). He leads retreats, workshops and classes in U.S and abroad. Co-founding Teacher of Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA. Co-author of Awakening Joy, the book based on the course (with Shoshana Alexander). He is a Guiding Teacher for One Earth Sangha, a website devoted to expressing a Buddhist response to Climate Change. James lives in Berkeley, California with his wife, Jane.  He has two sons and three grandchildren.   Dana to James Baraz