
סנדיה רקפת בר-קמה"הרוצה לקחת, עליו לתת תחילה" – לאו טצה הרבה שנים לא היה לי אוטו. התגלגלתי באוטובוסים וברכבות, עד שחברה לימדה אותי איך להתנהל בטרמפים: לפזר את השיער הארוך והגולש, ללבוש חיוך רחב (לא...
ליאור גלעד
תרגום: ליאור גלעד מקור: Going Against The Stream, Stephan Batchelor, from Breath Sweeps Mind, A tricycle book, Riverhead book NY תורגם במסגרת המאמר השבועי- פרויקט מטעם בודהיזם בישראל לאמן את ליבנו...
מאת: רחל וילוז'ני נכתב בהשראת סמינר יוגה ומדיטציה בהנחיית רחל וילוז'ני ומיכל כהןבעיקר נשמע כאן קולם של הסיפורים של מיכל מתוך הקנון הבודהיסטי שסופרו ברכות ובאהבה לעת ערב ....סיפורים לפני השינה.
Dr. Stephen Fulder We have not heard much of the word holism of late. It used to be a key word in the 1970’s and 1980’s to describe an alternative way of being, a view of the world and our place in...
אקספרס של חצות - "כל רגע יכול להיות בית סוהר או בית-המקדש" אני עומדת בחדר הכניסה של הכלא, דלת פלדה אפורה אחת כבר נטרקה מאחורי, דלת פלדה אפורה נוספת, נעולה עדיין, לפני. שורה ארוכה של דלתות פלדה אפורות...
 זהו מילון קצר למונחים נפוצים בשפת הפאלי אשר משתמשים בהם לא פעם בקורסים של תובנה.
בתקופה זאת שהארץ סוערת ואנשים רבים נפגעים פיזית ונפשית אנו רוצים להביע השתתפות בצער ובכאב של כל מי שנפגע באשר הוא. אנו מקווים ומאחלים שימצא במהרה פתרון של שלום שימנע סבל מסוג זה בהמשך ויקדם הבנה...
   ‏Diamonds sparkle in the airDiamonds sparkle in the airAnd are quenched under watersalt once was money in the desertbut worthless by the seaValue is noticed when it is missingThe pure shines out...
   تدعم جمعية توڤَانا (إدراك) اللذين يريدون دراسة التأمل وتطوير حالة الانتباه والوعي في حياتهم اليومية والتمرن عليها. تقوم هذه الجمعية بنشاطاتها في الوقت ذاتهمع مراكز التأمّل المختلفة في أنحاء العالم...
הנה המלצה לאתר ללימוד מדיטצית מיינדפולנס. חלק גדול מהמורים הם מורי תובנה שביקרו פה בעבר. http://themindfulnesssummit.com/
A city course of 8 sessions, meant mostly for those who have begun practicing, but are relatively in the start of their path. The course offers a framework for strengthening the meditative practice...
Tovana is an organisation that disseminates spiritual teachings and practices derived from the Buddhist teachings, the Dharma, which help us discover a deep inner peace and awakening and a life of...
A city course of about 15 sessions, meant for those who have finished the "Dharma in Everyday Life" Course. Wisdom and compassion are like the wings of the heart's freedom movement. Wisdom teaches us...
Amutat Tovana, a non profit organization, is a supportive and organizational body for anyone interested on developing and practicing awareness in their daily lives, through Tovana meditation.
Each and every one of Tovana's courses is only made possible through the generosity of our practitioners. If you have been in a Tovana course and felt that you gained something from the experience,...
There are several "streams" or traditions of studying within the framework of Vipassanā courses. The course according to the tradition of S. N. Goenka is taught mostly based on the originally Burmese...
You may register for courses through the course information pages on this site. Registration will begin approximately a month and a half in advance of each course. For more information about...
The course is conducted in complete silence, apart from group discussions and personal discussions with the teachers during designated times.
  The Course for Families was started in order to make going to a meditation retreat possible for practitioners with children.  This course, which takes place every year in the spring, offers a rare...
A gathering of introduction to Vipassana Meditation (Tovana). This kind of gathering takes place from time to time and includes a short meditation, a talk and Q & A time. This kind of gathering...
Tovana's audio library includes Dharma talks by Israeli and other teachers in English and Hebrew delivered both in Israel and abroad. We offer these talks for download free of charge in the spirit...
The Dharma Facilitators' Program is a unique project led by Christopher Titmuss, a respected Dharma teacher of international renown. The program has branches in different countries across the world...
This course consists of eight weekly two-hour meetings in which the participants will gradually acquire the skills needed to practice mindfulness and basic concentration. Each session includes...
For more details contact: zia.bar12@gmail.com
  Vipassana is a method of Buddhist Meditation which has been practiced for 2,500 years in East Asia and which arrived in the West in the last century. Vipassana means "clear-seeing" or insight into...
  A course of several days creates an environment which facilitates a deep practice experience in optimal conditions. The prolonged practice enables the development of concentration and inner...
  Guided Mindfulness Meditation Stephen Fulder Pay a little attention to the way you are sitting, which should be primarily relaxed and easy, but at the same time with a sense of steadiness and...
Living the Dharma in daily life – a semester course for deepening and integrating the Dharma in daily life. The idea for this course stems from attention to the needs of the community for an in-depth...
 There are many Tovana (Vipassana) meditation courses, based on various traditions, taking place in Israel and abroad. The courses vary in length, teaching methods and the intensity level of the...
