״להשקיט את הלב״ - סופ״ש תרגול מקוון של מדיטציית תובנה למתרגלים.ות בעלי נסיון בהנחיית יהל אביגור (אנגלית)

Pacifying the Mind: Opening freedom through relaxing the push and pull with experience

Susy Keely & Yahel Avigur

A weekend retreat 8th - 10th November 


During this practice weekend, we will focus on the theme of letting go, drawing inspiration from the chapter ‘Dukkha’ in Rob’s book Seeing that Frees. We will explore—and perhaps re-explore—how the mind becomes entangled in a push-and-pull relationship with experience. Patiently and gently, we will relax entanglement while attuning to various levels of experience. As we do so, we will naturally begin to access the ease, flexibility, and stillness that arise when the entanglement with self and world decreases.


More information and sign up:
